Association boards have legal, financial, and ethical responsibilities for the organization they lead. Individual directors in turn have a legal duty to act with due care in their service to the association. This involves attending meetings, providing legitimate...
Association Governance
Social Media Best Practices for Your Community
The primary allure of social media in community associations lies in its ability to foster enhanced communication. Platforms like Nextdoor and Facebook groups offer a space for neighbors to share information — from community events to security alerts — and foster a...
A Deeper Dive Into Critical Contract Terms
Whether big or small, every association will come across a need to hire an outside vendor. Hiring a vendor to complete any task for an association carries with it some level of risk. Typically, the bigger the project, the bigger the potential risk. Whenever a...
How to Deal With the Rogue Board Member
The Board of Directors is charged with making the important decisions of the association. Whether it’s hiring a management company to deal with the day-to-day affairs of the association or making the tough decision to pass an additional assessment to cover the cost...
Your Accountant Wants You to Know About Section 57 of the Condo Act
Condominium associations with annual revenues exceeding $20,000.00 should take specific note that Section 57(2) of the Michigan Condominium Act provides that an independent certified public accountant must perform an annual review or audit of the association’s...
Be Aware of Potential Disparate Impact Discrimination Claims in Your Association
In community association administration, disparate impact claims can arise when a seemingly neutral policy or practice has a disproportionate negative impact on a group protected by fair housing laws. For example, communities occasionally ask us whether they can...
New LGBTQ Protections Impacting Community Associations Signed Into Law
On March 16, 2023, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed a bipartisan bill officially expanding Michigan’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA), which bars discrimination in employment and housing sectors. The ELCRA now protects against discrimination based on an...
Leveraging the Power of Committees in Associations
When you're shopping for a new place to live, you probably consider a lot of factors – location, schools, taxes, and the community itself. You're essentially interviewing the neighborhood to see if it's the right fit for you. But once you move in, it's easy to feel...
Preventing Mold and Water Damage in Your Condominium Association: Proactive Steps for Managers and Boards
From frozen pipes, broken appliance supply lines, to roof leaks and leaking drain pans, in townhome and attached condominiums, these and other sources of water intrusion can quickly wreak havoc for owners and the association if not handled properly and quickly....
Is it Safe to Run for the Board? Broad Protections Afforded to Directors in a Litigious Age
The vitality of Michigan community associations is directly related to the quality of their volunteer board of directors. However, in this litigious age, potential directors may be concerned about the personal liability faced when their every decision may be...
Forced Adaptation: Community Association Management and Administration After COVID
The COVID pandemic continued longer than many had expected and has impacted almost every facet of everyday life. Facing evolving governmental guidance and individual comfort levels, we have been forced to adapt to what appears to be a new norm. This is particularly...
Michigan Court Of Appeals Confirms Need To Pay Condo Dues
Frye v. Golfpointe Village Condominium Association The condominium and homeowner association attorneys at Makower Abbate Guerra Wegner Vollmer recently successfully defended a challenge by a co-owner relating to her unpaid condominium association assessments. In Frye...